Benefits of Assisted Stretching with a Skilled Therapist
Stretching on your own has excellent benefits for your body and movement, but being stretched by a skilled therapist can take things to a new level. It has many advantages, and in this blog, I'm going to share some benefits of assisted stretching with the help of a skilled therapist.
What is Assisted Stretching?
Assisted stretching is stretching with the assistance of a trained professional. It's an enjoyable way to improve joint health and flexibility, decrease pain and stiffness and reduce stress. A qualified therapist, like myself, can assess your range of motion and create a plan to jumpstart a consistent stretch practice to optimize your body and movement.
Benefits of Assisted Stretching
Assisted stretching has many key advantages that differ from unassisted stretching. With the help of a knowledgeable and skilled therapist, one can address targeted areas. It also ensures you get the proper range of motion that your body requires in a safe manner. Being able to assess your range of motion allows me to construct a unique plan to help improve your overall flexibility and mobility. Below, we'll go into more detail about how assisted stretching can help improve range of motion, decrease pain and stiffness and reduce stress.
Improve Flexibility and Range of Motion
Stretching can address flexibility, and assisted stretching can help target muscles for a deeper stretch to allow for even more range of motion and flexibility. I will help you safely stretch your muscles further than you would on your own, utilizing skilled stretch therapy techniques. In addition, assisted stretching allows one to isolate specific muscles by stabilizing different parts of your body.
Decrease Pain and Stiffness
Stretching helps combat all the daily wear and tear we place on our muscles and joints. Even one assisted stretch session can leave your body feeling more limber by helping to loosen tight muscles. In addition, I can discuss your pain points and address those areas with specific stretching exercises to alleviate pain and stiffness.
Reduce Stress
An assisted stretching session permits your muscles and body time to relax. Scheduling an assisted stretch session allows for a 60 to 90-minute window of time, focused solely on what your body needs, without the outside influences of the world around you. I will work with your joints and muscles while allowing you to focus on breathing and relaxation.